Understanding MISRA C:2023 (2-day training)

October 1 - 2, 2024


UK or Online

Interactive hands-on course created with input of the MISRA C committee

MISRA:C Training

Despite the many sound reasons for its popularity, the C programming language is full of pitfalls for the unwary, particularly in the field of critical embedded systems.

The MISRA C language subset is a world-leading set of software guidelines. Its aims are to facilitate code safety, security, portability, and reliability in the context of embedded systems. Small wonder that its use is commonplace in the development of embedded application software in compliance with process and functional safety standards such as DO-178C and DO-278 in civil aviation, ISO 26262 in automotive, IEC 61508 in industrial safety, and IEC 62304 in medical devices.

This training course is designed to support the requirements of software development teams, verification and validation teams, and anyone looking to improve the standard of their C language software code. It is especially applicable for those aiming to achieve safety- and security-critical certifications for their projects across the industrial sectors.

  • Software Team Leaders
  • Software Quality Managers
  • Software Engineers
  • System Engineers
  • Test Engineers


  • Introduction to MISRA: A background introduction to the organization, its contributors, and its products
  • Use of ‘C’ in embedded systems: A discussion surrounding the C programming language, its advantages, and its drawbacks
  • Adopting and using MISRA C: Presenting and explaining the recommended approach to the use of MISRA C
  • MISRA C:2023 Guidelines: An overview of how the guidelines are constructed and how they are applied, with reference to key examples
  • Security considerations: An explanation of the underlying thinking that makes MISRA standards equally applicable to both safety- and security-critical applications, with examples
  • Deviation and MISRA Compliance:2020: It is unlikely that any meaningful application can be developed that will comply with all MISRA rules. This discussion focuses on how those instances should be handled


The training will be performed by our partner LDRA in their corporate facilities: Portside, Monks Ferry, Wirral, United Kingdom, CH41 5LH.

The training can be attended in person or Online.

Terms and conditions

The 2-day LDRA tool suite training course costs 800 Euro per delegate, excluding VAT.

Purchase orders will be invoiced upon receipt and payment is required 14 days before the course commences. We regret that no refunds are allowed for cancellations or transfers received within 14 days or for non-attendance. Substitutions are permissible at any time.

Fees include comprehensive course materials, certificate of completion, and morning, lunch, and afternoon refreshments.

Accommodation can be arranged by the course administrator if required. Costs must be settled personally by delegates or their employers and are payable directly to the accommodation provider.

André De Ceuninck

André De Ceuninck

Software Quality | Testing | Certification

Registration and Information

Interested in joining this course? Let me know how you wan to attend.

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