Hard Real-time database systems: why they make the difference

It is often said that a database system operates real-time, when the operating system is qualified hard real-time. Although this statement might appear sufficient for high performance computing applications, when operating on a s small scale embedded system with limited resources and power, the term “hard” is a bare necessity for an embedded database system.
eXtremeDB is the industry’s first deterministic embedded database system. We have gathered some interesting articles on how applications can benefit from a deterministic embedded database system.
Customer Demands
Real-time database systems are not actually real-time. Unless they are
An ElectronicDesign.com guest blog post by McObject CEO Steve Graves differentiating hard real-time database systems from merely “real fast” real-time database systems. You’ll learn what makes a database system actually real-time, what the performance metric is for an actual real-time database system and why it’s different than real fast database systems.
Shared Data in Asymmetric Multiprocessing (AMP) Configurations
In this white paper, we review how heterogeneous multicore systems are becoming more popular for sensor data fusion in automotive and industrial applications due to their high performance and energy efficiency. This paper presents the challenges and discusses the design and implementation of a shared data implementation for AMP configurations, including how to synchronize access to shared data.
The data in hard real-time SCADA systems lets companies do more with less
This article in Automation.com reviews how the latest database technology allows the capture and utilization of previously out-of-reach data found in mission-critical systems.
This article in energycentral.com asserts that forward-thinking companies in the energy industry need to capitalize on the opportunities provided by infrastructure updates to organize all that data into a central location (a database) so that it can be correlated, analyzed, and acted upon, some of it within hard real-time deadlines.
TSM-Bench: Benchmarking Time Series Database Systems for Monitoring Applications
Produced by University of Fribourg, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano, and NYU Abu Dhabi. This paper presents new benchmark results for ClickHouse, Druid, eXtremeDB, InfluxDB, MonetDB, QuestDB and TimescaleDB. In their conclusion, the authors note that “eXtremeDB leverages its sequence storage format to be best-in-class in filtering, aggregations, and window operations.”

Gevorg Melikdjanjan
Security | Reliability | Data Solutions
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