Tuxera SafeTCPIP
Tuxera SafeTCPIP is a complete safety critical TCP/IPv4 network stack developed to the ISO 26262 Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) B standard. This makes it suitable for integration with any system that requires a high level of safety-integrity, and that is mappable to other standards such as IEC 61508 and ISO 62304.
Tuxera TCP/IP Stack
Tuxera TCP/IP Stack is a highly optimized TCP/IP solution designed to provide secure network communications. The networking solution has all the connectivity components you need (EEM, HTTPS, IPSEC, MQTT, SNMP, TLS, and more) – plus a small footprint, high throughput, and low CPU cycle operation.
Tuxera USB Suite
Embedded USB stacks from Logic Technology are mature, widely-used stacks that can support almost any desired USB configuration. The USB suite includes solutions not only for common functions like HID, Hub and Mass Storage but also for more sophisticated requirements including isochronous, composite devices, and interfaces to file systems and ethernet. This means developers can exploit USB to its full capability easily, without having to worry about developing highly specialized drivers.